Tuesday, May 20, 2008

August McKenzie
10377 Caminito Rio BrancoSan
Diego California 92131
May 15, 2008

Susan Davis
District 53 representative
U.S. House of Representatives
1526 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Susan Davis,
My name is August McKenzie and I am writing to make a case for renewable energy. I attend the 6th grade at High Teck Middle Media Arts. There we are learning about renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. We understand the importance for the world to start to move into using renewable energy. We need to start using renewable energy soon so that we can live in a healthy environment.

I would like to thank you for supporting the Safe Climate Act and the Clean Energy Act. I would like to thank you for supporting wind and solar energy. These have all helped our world a lot. You have made it aware for others that we do need to make a change. I am also writing this letter to you to give you more ideas in how we can make this world a better place.

One of the ways we can help the future of our planet is by informing the future generation about global warming. I feel that a lot of kids know very little about global warming and its affects. Since kids are the future of our planet we need to make sure that they will be aware of global warming when they get older. Adults have a hard time changing to renewable energy because they were not grown up with renewable energy. To make this happen we need this to be taught in school. So just like you have to teach math in school they should make it so that you need to teach about global warming.

One more way we can help global warming is to use more types of renewable energy. Right now most of our renewable energy sources aren’t that efficient and don’t create that much power. So instead of just trying to upgrade wind and solar you could work with all the different energy sources so that there won’t have to be such a huge upgrade to just one energy source.

Thanks for reading my letter and I hope this will help on your battle for renewable energy.


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